嘔吐: throw up. yahoo字典的例句:  He took the medicine but threw it up a minute later. 他服了藥了, 但一分鐘後就吐了出來。

寒顫 shaking chills 或者說 rigors. 而 chillness 是錯誤的說法. 

rigor. 1. 嚴格;嚴厲;苛刻[U];  2. (生活等的)艱苦;(氣候的)嚴酷[P1][(+of)];  3. 苛嚴待遇;苛嚴行為[P1];  He was subjected to the rod in all its rigors in this school. 他在這所學校裡受盡了籉杖體罰之苦。 ;   4. 嚴密,精確[U] ;  5. 【醫】強直[U];  6. 【醫】發燒前的寒戰[U]


大家比較常打成 abdominal fullness. 另一個同義字是 abdominal bloating. 

belching 噯氣

bloating 腹脹

burping 打嗝

flatulence [醫學] 脹氣

girth 周長

flatus 腸胃脹氣

flammable 易燃的


wiki 上的說明 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abdominal_distension

Abdominal distension occurs when substances, such as air (gas) or fluid, accumulate in the abdomen causing its outward expansion beyond the normal girth of the stomach and waist.[1] It is typically a symptom of an underlying disease or dysfunction in the body, rather than an illness in its own right. People suffering from this condition often describe it as "feeling bloated." Sufferers often experience a sensation of fullness, abdominal pressure and possiblynausea, pain or cramping. In the most extreme cases, upward pressure on the diaphragm and lungs can also cause shortness of breath. Through a variety of causes (see below), bloating is most commonly due to buildup of gas in thestomach, small intestine or colon. The pressure sensation is often relieved, or at least lessened, by burping (belching) or passing gas (flatulence). Medications that settle gas in the stomach and intestines are also commonly used to treat the discomfort and lessen the abdominal distension.



Abdominal bloating is a condition in which the abdomen feels uncomfortably full and gaseous, and may also be visibly swollen (distended). Bloating is a common complaint among both adults and children. 

Flatulence is a medical term for releasing gas from the digestive system through the anus. It’s also commonly known as farting, passing wind, or having gas. It occurs when gas collects inside the digestive system, and is a normal process.

Gas collects in two main ways. Swallowing air while you eat or drink can cause oxygen and nitrogen to collect in the digestive tract. Second, as you digest food, digestive gases such as hydrogen, methane, and carbon dioxide collect. Either method can cause flatulence.

Flatulence is very common. We all accumulate gas in our digestive system. TheMayo Clinic estimates that most people pass gas about 10 times a day. If you pass wind more frequently than this on a regular basis, you could have excessive flatulence, which has a number of causes.



Gas is normally present in the digestive system and may be expelled through the mouth (belching) or through the anus (flatus).

There are three main gas-related complaints:

Excessive belching (eructation)

Abdominal bloating (distention)

Excessive flatus (known colloquially as farting)

Belching is more likely to occur shortly after eating or during periods of stress. Some people feel a tightness in their chest or stomach just before belching that is relieved as the gas is expelled.

People who complain of flatulence often have a misconception of how much flatus people normally produce. There is great variability in the quantity and frequency of flatus. People typically have flatus about 13 to 21 times a day, amounting to ½ to 1½ quarts (0.5 to 1.5 liters), and some people pass flatus more or less often. Such gas may or may not have an odor.

Although flatus is flammable (due to the hydrogen and methane gas that it contains), this does not pose a routine problem. For example, working near open flames is not hazardous. However, there are rare reports of gas explosion during intestinal surgery and colonoscopy when electrical cautery was used in people whose bowels were incompletely cleaned out before the procedure.

In the past, colic (see Colic) in infants 2 to 4 months of age was attributed to excessive abdominal gas. Today, however, most doctors do not think colic is related to gas, because tests do not show excess gas in the abdomen of these infants. The actual cause of colic remains unclear.



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